Peanuts (2016)
Peanuts (no Brasil também conhecido como Minduim) é uma tira de jornal escrita e desenhada pelo cartunista norte-americano Charles Schulz que foi publicada de 2 de outubro de 1950 a 12 de fevereiro de 2000.
Peanuts é uma série de animação ítalo-franco-americana baseada na história em quadrinhos de mesmo nome. A série foi ao ar pela primeira vez na França em 9 de novembro de 2014 e, posteriormente, nos Estados Unidos no Cartoon Network e Boomerang em 9 de maio de 2016 como shorts intersticiais. A série foi ao ar brevemente no Cartoon Network em maio de 2016, apesar disso, permaneceu presente no aplicativo de streaming do Cartoon Network e no Cartoon Network sob demanda, apesar do show não estar atualmente no ar na televisão dos EUA. Em 2021, ele está disponível no Amazon Prime Video .
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(Download - Em breve)
1. Come on Snoopy / Don't Worry, Charlie Brown / The Little Red Haired Girl
2. Have a Nice Day Linus / Good Sports / Sound and Sensibility
3. Frieda / Mysteries of Love / Technical Difficulties
4. A Day with Snoopy / A Strong Personality / The Eye of the Beholder
5. Miss Othmar / The School of Hard Knocks / My Blanket
6. Novel Idea / No Strings Attached / A Friend Indeed
7. Crazy Mutt / Doing It Right / Like Skates on Ice
8. Tennis / A Little Nap / Word of Mouth
9. Good Dog / Snoopy the Superstar / Train Your Dog
10. A Pretty Picture / Leave Me in Peace / Last of the Bunch
11. Too Cold / It's Raining, It's Pouring / Show Dog
12. Philosophy / Woodstock / School Chums
13. True or False / Nobody Likes Me / Even-ing the Score
14. Black and White / Beauty Contest / A New Best Friend
15. Telling Stories / Being Nice
16. School Is Out! / Not Your Day / A Little Love
17. Love is in the Air / A Clean Sweep / Brothers and Sisters
18. Marcie / Good for Nothing / Man's Best Friend
19. The Great Outdoors / Off Key
20. Not My Day / It's Only Love / Best Friend
21. Strike Out
22. Beware of the Dog / Going My Way
23. The Call of the Wild / Security / It's Just No Good
24. A Bad Mood / Back to School / Go to School!
25. Go for it, Charlie Brown / Amateurs / School Anxiety
26. Autumn is Here / A Fascinating Friend / Keep Your Chin Up, Charlie Brown
27. Misunderstanding / Too Cute / Team Spirit
28. Just for Love / That Day / Colors
29. Trust Me / School Tomorrow / Nice Doggy
30. Company / Reach for the Stars / Creepy Crawlies
31. Kind of Spooky / Fly / Feeling Insecure
32. Always Right / Out of Order / Problems
33. Classic / Even the Score / Birds of a Feather
34. Sally / A Hard Winter / Winter Games
35. On Campaign Trail / Christmas is On Its Way / Winter Wonderland
36. Let It Snow / Get Lucky / Weird Little Brother
37. Christmas is Coming (Do not Watch until Christmas)
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